Wednesday, January 11, 2012

house update

Most of you know that mom & dad, AKA our neighbors, contractors, & carpenters, left two days ago to spend the remainder of winter in Israel.  They went to be servants where ever they are needed.  Awesome!  They spent lots of time finishing up some important projects here at the Carlson household...THANK YOU!

 the kitchen island- posts & skirt installed, quartz glued down.  check!
 master bath- surround built, durrocked, tiled, grouted, and faucet on.  check!
 fully-functioning dove-tail drawers- handmade, sprayed, and installed. (including super cheap temporary knobs made from wooden wheels at hobby lobby) check!

and in other news...I think I finally chose a tile for our backsplash in the kitchen.  I could give you at least five reasons why it's "perfect" but let's just say at this moment, it's my top choice.  (Have I mentioned how great free shipping and free returns are when you are building a house???)  
 and.....Yes, that is a new hutch.  It's the 4th one in the last year, but this one's a keeper.  At the moment anyways.  :)

1 comment:

  1. love the new blog! yay for updates!!! and your tile backsplash is perfect. will fit in great with your house. can't wait to see it up!
